At Tutorwiz we are proud to offer online dyslexia tutoring to dyslexic students throughout the UK. With a team of personal, one-to-one dyslexic tutors on hand for whenever your child gets stuck or doesn’t understand a topic, Tutorwiz combines the very best online dyslexia resources with specialist tutor support to create the ultimate online dyslexia tutoring website.
Our online dyslexia tuition platform can accommodate those in Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3 and those studying for their GCSEs. We can also assist dyslexic students in their exam preparation, whether they are preparing for SATs, the Eleven Plus (11+), Functional Skills, GCSE or IGCSEs.
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Tutorwiz’s online dyslexia tutoring website can accommodate dyslexic students of all ages and abilities (KS1-GCSE)! Whether your child is in KS2 and could do with some support in preparation for their English SATs, or is in KS3 and needs a helping hand in preparation for their GCSE years, whatever your requirements, Tutorwiz has the expertise to accommodate dyslexic students of all abilities.
Specialising in helping students who are in primary school and secondary school, Tutorwiz’s dyslexia programme is based on the UK’s National Curriculum, meaning we can help students with the exact topics they are studying in schools. Our specialist dyslexia resources means that we can provide targeted and structured support to your child, helping them to overcome their barriers and grow in confidence.
Tutorwiz’s online dyslexia tuition programme covers topics including but not limited to: literacy, reading, writing, handwriting, comprehension, spelling, communication, grammar, vocabulary and so much more!
Our team of qualified dyslexia tutors are well-equipped to support dyslexic pupils in their studies. All of our tutors are experienced in strategies and approaches to help support dyslexic students in their education, many of which are approved by the British Dyslexic Association (BDA).
Tutorwiz can also accommodate students with other learning difficulties or special education needs (SEND students), including: those with dyscalculia, ADD, ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and other neurodiversity students.
Another huge benefit of Tutorwiz is our rewards and incentives programme! Especially beneficial for students with dyslexia and other special needs, we incentivise a student’s studies, helping them to see value in their education. As your child works through Tutorwiz, they will collect points for completed activities and lessons. Points are collected and can then be redeemed against high street vouchers, prizes and competition entries.
Tutorwiz’s mission is to provide online dyslexia tutoring so that every dyslexic student in the UK has access to virtual dyslexia tutoring and support.
Whether your child needs support when it comes to understanding letters and learning how to read and write, or perhaps they’re more advanced and require assistance when it comes to revision and test preparation, no matter the ability of a pupil, Tutorwiz can help them to do better.
Tutorwiz have a team of tutors ready and waiting to provide one-to-one support to a pupil, meaning a dyslexia tutor is always on hand to help, offer advice and guide your child when needed. All of our dyslexia tutors are native English speakers and are experienced in helping students with dyslexia and other special education or multisensory needs. The assistance our tutors provide isn’t just limited to our in-programme dyslexia lessons. We can also assist with homework and other tasks set by your child’s school.
Tutorwiz’s online dyslexia tutoring website is made up of various games, activities, quizzes, courses, classes, written tasks, virtual lessons and more to help your child to learn at their own pace. Our dyslexia teaching is more than just online resources, we are committed to helping dyslexic students to overcome their challenges through positive coaching, sound advice and specialist support. We go above and beyond what other dyslexia programs can offer. Discover more about our online dyslexia course today.
Our online dyslexia tutoring website has hundreds of hours’ worth of online dyslexia resources to help your child in their studies. The Tutorwiz programme was designed for students with special education needs and we know exactly what is required to help dyslexic students to succeed in their studies!
Alongside our huge catalogue of online dyslexia games and activities, we are proud to also provided specialist online dyslexia tutors for whenever your child gets stuck. A private, 121 tutor is only ever a phone-call away and our entire team of tutors are well-equipped to support dyslexic students in their studies.
No matter if your child is already a high achiever or needs significant help to improve their grades, whatever your requirements, Tutorwiz has the expertise to accommodate each and every student.
Want to find out some more information about Tutorwiz’s online dyslexia tutoring website? Then please do not hesitate to get in touch! You can contact the Tutorwiz team on: 0800 181 4221, by using our contact form or by emailing us at: Alternatively, why not request a FREE Assessment to help identify your child’s individual strengths and weaknesses. Through this consultation, we will help you to identify where exactly your child is struggling and how the Tutorwiz programme can help.
Tutorwiz have years of experience providing online dyslexia tuition and know exactly what is required to help your child succeed! But don’t just take our word for it, take a look at what some of our previous happy customers have to say, our consistently positive feedback speaks for itself!