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How To Help Your Child To Catch Up At School? | Tutorwiz

Published: How To Help Your Child To Catch Up At School?

How To Help Your Child To Catch Up At School?

With children slowly starting to return to classrooms across the UK, many parents are concerned about their child’s current level of understanding and how they might compare up against their peers and classmates. As schools are starting to reopen after what is hopefully the last of lockdown school closures and home learning, parents wonder just how their children will get on with their return to the classroom.  

The good news is that all parents and students are in the exact same position, and while some families may have been stricter with their home studies than others; teachers and schools will be very conscious of knowledge gaps for all students as well as being more aware of the children who may have fallen further behind.  

Teachers will be taking it upon themselves to level the playing field, helping all students to catch up at school and get back to an optimum level for their age across all topics and subjects. With GCSEs and other school examinations cancelled for 2021, teachers‘ primary focus will be general school catchup for all students.  

If you are worried about what effect the coronavirus pandemic has had on your childeducation and think they may need some catch up at school, then our below article will help guide you on how to get them back up to speed as quickly as possible.  

Firstly, How Do You Know If Your Child Needs To Catch Up?

Although the vast majority of students haven’t even entered their classroom in 2021, some students have been attending school as usual (children of essential and keyworkers), and you would assume that these children need less of catchup. However, with teachers having had to divide their attention between those students in the classroom and those learning remotely, even the students who have been attending school are likely to have fallen behind a little. Every student has had to adapt to a new way of learning, and there is no shame in admitting that some school catchup is required.

With all young learners in the same position, school catchup is going to be essential for each student. And with news headlines suggesting that school closures “could cost pupils £40,000 in lifetime earnings”, school catch up is not something that should be taken lightly.

Having played the teacher’s role for the past couple of months, many parents will be well aware that their child needs to catch up once they return to school and likely have key areas they know their child needs to work on. Please share this information with your child’s teachers and school to help them in their education recovery.

How Can You Evaluate Your Child’s Current Level Of Understanding?

For many parents, they will know exactly what their child’s current level of understanding is, having had to assume the teacher’s role since the beginning of the year. Parents will be well aware of their child’s strengths and weaknesses, what they do and don’t enjoy learning, and what educational approach best suits their child.

However, if you are looking for a more formal evaluation of your child’s current level of understanding, then it gets a little trickier. With all students in the same boat, teachers will be unable to effectively and promptly evaluate each and every one of their students. Therefore, it may be worth looking for external help when assessing your child’s current level of understanding.

A great way of identifying your child’s current level of understanding, as well as any potential knowledge gaps, is to get an external educational assessment for your child. Tutorwiz’s free educational assessments help parents to understand their child’s current level of understanding and ability, as well as identifying any weaknesses. Tutorwiz then designs a personalised learning plan for each student, helping them to reach their full potential and catch up at school.

Want to discover more about how Tutorwiz can help to evaluate your child’s current level of understanding?



How Can You Help Your Child To Catch Up In School?

Now that your child has returned to the classroom, you may be looking for ways to help them to catch up at school. But what can you do as a parent to help your child with their school catchup? Well, here are just a few ways you can help your child to catch up at school:

Identify Problem Areas

Firstly, it is worthwhile identifying the specific areas your child has problems with and where catch up will be necessary. Considering that parents have been playing the teacher’s role for the past few months, you should have a good idea of these problem areas already. However, if you need help identifying these problem areas, then an educational assessment, such as Tutorwiz’s free education assessment, can help you to identify these areas.

Regular Practice

When it comes to any type of learning, regular practice is key! By practising little and often, your child is able to digest better the information they have learnt and retain knowledge for longer.

Fitting Back In

One of the school catch up areas that isn’t being spoken about as much is fitting back in. Not only has your child been absent from a formal education environment for the past few months, but they also haven’t socialised with that outside of their household. This may be more damaging for young learners, then we can understand as adults. So, do give your child the space to fit back in socially and don’t put too much pressure on just the academic side of things; your child’s social and emotional skills are just as critical—another reason to study little and often.


Now that schools are reopening, it is a good idea to get back into a formal routine. No more rolling out of bed and straight into a Zoom lesson! Let’s face it; children thrive off of structure, and keeping a regular and consistent routine will help to benefit your child in their school catch up.

Make Learning Fun

Finally, and possibly most importantly, you should help to make learning as fun as possible for your child. Of course, there is not much you can do about your child’s teacher’s approach to learning, but you do have the ability to make any home-based learning as fun as possible. A child who is engaged is going to digest much more information than a child who is bored and uninterested.

If you are looking for ways you can help to make learning more fun for your child, then why not checkout Maths & Englishwiz. Just 20 minutes, four times a week, can be as beneficial as 4 hours of traditional classroom teaching, and much of the feedback we receive is that the programme is so much more fun and engaging when compared to other types of learning.

Where Can You Go For Extra Support?

If you are looking for additional support to help your child catch up at school, why not discover some support outside of your child’s classroom. Whether it be a private tutor, digital workbooks or an online learning programme such as Tutorwiz’s Maths & Englishwiz, additional support from outside the school can help to benefit a child in their school catch up.

Tutorwiz’s Maths & Englishwiz programme helps students catch up at school by combining engaging educational activities, games, and more, with real-life tutor support whenever their child gets stuck. Our incentives programme also helps your child see value in their studies by collecting points for completed activities and achievements.

When first enrolling with Tutorwiz, every student receives a free assessment so that we can gauge what the students do and doesn’t already know, any potential knowledge gaps, as well as your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses. At Tutorwiz, we realise that no two students are the same and that each and every child requires exceptional support. The Tutorwiz programme follows the UK’s national curriculum, so we know exactly what is needed in order for your child to catch up at school and assist every student with this on an individual basis.

If you would like to find out some more about Tutorwiz’s online tutoring programme for children or to find out how a programme such as this can help with your child’s school catch up, then why not get in touch today. Our team of education consultants will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Tutorwiz programme and any concerns you have surrounding your child’s education. Contact us by using our contact form, by emailing us at or by calling us on: 0800 181 4221, and we will be happy to answer any questions you have and provide you with some more information about Tutorwiz.

Discover more about how Tutorwiz is helping students to catchup at school and get a FREE assessment today…




Simon Walker

Founder of Tutorwiz; the online tutoring website that helps children to learn online, no matter their age or ability.

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